sounds like the clutch isn't kickin in... do you have pressure behind the clutch when you push it in? if not you'll need to bleed the clutch line...   check the master cylinder up on the firewall and make sure you got fluid, next check the slave down on the pax side of the tranny. it's that black tube that's about 6 inches long, it's got a bleeder on the top of it that you'll need a lil allen wrench to loosen...  it's a 2 man job, but get under the truck and have the allen in the bolt and in the closed position, now have your buddy in the truck pump the clutch 5 or 6 times and then hold it down, now you release that bleeder for just a split second to let the air purge... do that process a few times and see where it gets you...   if you still got pressure and it won't engage, take the slave cylinder out of the tranny (a pain in the ass btw) and make sure the shaft it pushing out when you press the pedal...