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Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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HotRodDime   +1y
Rather than saying the same thing over and over in the other forum, I wanted to separately say how much WE ALL need everyone's support in these rough times...

A lot of us have supported and been around for quite some time (I’ve been a member of SSM since 2000), and some of us are relatively new... but there is a place FOR ALL OF US!!! We do need to stick together and really help the scene survive... I'm not just saying this for the sake of my job, as I truly care about and love custom trucks and the people who build them. If you haven't picked up a magazine in a little while, things have certainly changed for the better, just as these forums have over the years. The new SSM mag is amazing and has some really cool features and talent behind the lens!

In MT we have also added a wide variety of articles from Artist and Club Profiles to Cruize nights. We also feature THE MOST shows because even though everything is online the next day, EVERYONE loves to see their ride in print from the shows.

This is a tough time for all of us, but if we stick together we can make it through and ensure that our kids have the same opportunities to enjoy what we have enjoyed for decades. I know I personally can't wait to help my kid build his first magazine feature worthy ride, and there are thousands of people out there who feel the same! We get hundreds of emails showing our magazine with the MT Juniors of the month and it truly brings a smile to my face every time we can run a pic of them!

The biggest complaint I hear online about the mags is that you want to see more full tilt badass, top to bottom feature trucks, but one thing to consider is that we really do our best to give the majority a chance to make it in the mag. So yes, there are drivers that aren't perfect that get featured, but turn the page and you will see a piece of art detailed to the hilt from top to bottom right next to that daily driven feature truck. Just like you would see them out on the show grounds...

So enough ranting, all I really wanted to say, is thank you to everyone that continues to support their favorite mags, websites, shows, shops, companies, and the scene!

I hope to serve you guys for many more years to come!


idrgbdy   +1y
just got a minitruckin subscription last month.
Edited: 9/17/2009 4:06:56 PM by JETSETTER

I have been subscribing to Minitruckin forever! I am looking at a huge stack sitting here next to my desk! IF YOU DON"T SUPPORT IT, IT MAY JUST GO AWAY! Get off your ass and spend the $20.00 it's less than that but hey, we all anticipate every month when we are going to get it, we often get on SSM and ask what's in it, hell I think its a race to some of you. As soon as someone posts up that you got this month's issue and what's in it, hell I have even seen some of you jones'n so hard that you ask people to scan it for you! LOL... So what do you say, GO OUT AND BUY YOUR MINITRUCKIN MAG already! I don't care if it's from Wal-Mart, 7-11, your local rag store, just get one. We have seen the many faces of this magazine come and go, let's not let them be gone for good.... I have seen the staff go from many to just one. He sits in his lonely (BIG EMPTY) office all by himself. Trust me Mike Alexander looks like he could pull his hair out while sitting there singing (All By Myself) to himself when you walk in the door he almost tackles you because he is happy just to see someone else there these days! Sorry Mike, had to do it! Tell it like it is Brother!!!  Here's the link: IT"S NOW $18.00 for an entire year! as an added Bonus you can get TRUCKIN for just $12.00 if you buy at the same time!!! Mike would like you to help Support all the magazines that are left, but I think most of us care about this one. What would we do if we could not see our rides in the show coverage, features, or cover of our favorite magazine each month. HUMMMM! DO IT, It's only $18.00. You can let go of that one case of beer this weekend!  
post photo
chris03hd   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2009 3:53:46 PM by chris03hd

Been a subscriber to all the big ones, plus other mag's under the same roof.. i.e. Rod&Custom, etc. As long as I can keep affording these magazines prices, and quality of the content doesn't fall off, Ill keep supporting by purchasing them.
twistedsdime   +1y

I just renewed my MT subscripton tonight. I've also been a subscriber to the other Truck Magazines for as long as I have been into the scene. People please help support the websites and magazines in anyway possible.
gimp5561   +1y

why is it when i set down an wright a long heart felt post it never post ?? i have had a sub to MT for 14 years it does not run out till oct of 2012  they will not let me add any more time too it and truckin all most as long. keep up the great work mike 
sadisticiron   +1y

Even if you have a subscription go out, spend 20 bucks, and buy some issues.  Buying off the shelves boost sales a lot more. We need to keep all these editors employed or all these mags are going to go away. One of the biggest reasons why we all build badass rides is to see our ride or a customers ride in an issue. Without monthly motivation most of us will stop building and don't say you wont either. Without something to strive for we all get lazy. All of us have 20 bucks to spend a month on some issues and don't say u don't. Give up that daily 3.00 monster for a week and help Mike Alexander, Dan Ward, Travis Noack, Jason Mulligan, maybe Johnny O and everybody else associated with a printed mag. these guys bust their asses bringing you  great reading material every month and awesome pics of shows you wished you would have went to...I owe alot to all these guys and the same goes for other shops for helping us get bigger and better. If it wasnt for printed magazines some of us wouldnt be here today...ok im done....
deflatd   +1y
i have a subscription to mt but can never find it on shelves. no stores carry it around here anymore

ive been a long time subscriber to multiple truck mags and sad to see sport truck go, always enjoyed the issues, so ill continue be a subscriber to help out the seen and i agree with all of the above comments , lets keep these mags going ,without them would just plain old suck

pugz   +1y
ive been a subscriber for a long time and dont want it to go anywhere. i guess i gotta  start picking up some off the shelves too.