Well i'll go ahead and put in my 2Cents... of course ya'll know what i'll say, "Buy a Mac!" lol... but Brandt's the man when it comes to building a custom PC, so i'll just fill in the blanks with some of my own info.... As for the monitors, I love having duals for the sake of workflow. I love having all my tools and folders on the right screen, while leaving the whole left screen for my design pallet. Just nice to have some extra desktop space to have everything visible at once. Though one good 30" could do the trick for most people also. It's all on what your willing to spend i guess... Now graphics tablets... i know this ones been talked about on here before and from what i remember Nick and I are the only ones the use them AND like them. I know several people said they've used em before and hated it. Now i agree it takes a lil getting used too, but once u get the hang of it it's just like drawing or painting, just with a new pencil. Now the positive side is you don't always have to use the pen, i use my mouse 90% of the time and grab the pen when i feel i need it. I would love to use the pen all the time but it fuckin kills my forearm moving that thing around so much cause you gotta make it hover an inch off the surface and having a huge screen means your arm is doing a lot a moving, lol... Also a CS4 upgrade prob isn't needed, but at least an upgrade from 7 would do wonders... a lot has changed since 7 and you could gain quite a few new features by upgrading. But as Brandt said, if you wanna get CS3 to save some chedder then you wouldn't really loose too much from CS4 if your still used to 7... I can't compare CS4 to anything else since they introduced the 'Rotate View' tool, it's like a miracle that adobe finally decided to introduce now. It makes my life WAY easier when it comes to doing hand drawn graphics, since when i normally draw with pen and paper i can rotate my page so i can draw that perfect curve, now u can do the same with photoshop and a wacom tablet...