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Mini Truckin General \  VIRGINIA NEEDS YOUR HELP..


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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LayFrame   +1y
Let me start this off by saying I am not a truck club member. I do not have the sickest truck on the East Coast. And no, I dont have anything laying on 24's.
I live in Virginia, one of the more strict states when it comes to vehicle modifications. If you can do it in California, Most likely its illegal over here. The purpose of all this is to get someones attention. I dont care who you are or what connections you do have, But someone needs to step up to the plate and throw more of an "awareness" kind of show. Im not talking RIGHT NOW this show season in the middle of a recession, but just somewhere in the near future. We have lost ECN. Mini-truckers are not a rare breed down here but more or less are harassed enough to the point of where you cant even drive your vehicle on a public roadway without going home with a ticket. Too many laws and not enough people voicing their opinions. Im sure its not very convincing coming from me for you to bring your truck from another state to an area that frowns at a modified vehicle. But I see it as an opportunity to reverse a bad image being placed on us. Im not blaming law enforcement. Its their job to have some judgement. If you cant beat em, Join em..Thats why I had a thought of throwing a show to support  VA state police in a donation or atleast some kind of "awareness" show that would give a more positive image that all mini-truckers are not all that bad. "Sure, your shaved third brake light or frame 1" from the ground  is illegal..But we will lighten up."..This might just be a lost cause..I dont know, Im just hoping someone else might see this the same way I do..Or atleast understand what im getting at. I hate the fact I might have to give up a hobby of mine, or trailer my vehicle around town from now on simply because I didnt try and reach out to other mini truckers that go though the same thing. Its going to take a collective effort from everyone. Throwing a show like this wont make the laws go away, but I think it might lighten the mood for law enforcement. Please lets not flame and say "Oh I go though that everyday here in Ohio!"..Yes, im sure you do too..Im just trying to see if this is something worth voicing..But it will take alot more minis in VA to make a diffrence. If their is no intrest, then f*ck it!..Its worth a shot though. As I said before I am not in any kind of club, Nor do I have a serious enough truck to petition one. So I do not expect to ignite a mini-trucker "help a brother out" mood and comment board. Just wanted to see if their was any intrest in doing something like this from others from local states or within VA. Thanks.
twistedsdime   +1y

I think you got a great idea but not to highjack your idea or anything but here is a truck show coming up in VA....Maybe you could bring it up to these show promoters.
gimp5561   +1y

thats too long too rear all of it for me if you are doing a show in va i will try to make it up
LayFrame   +1y

Thanks for the suggestion Mike,..Not trying to sound ungrateful of ECN..They do put on good shows..But since they have moved it from RIR they have sort of sold out. I guess thats why I felt the need to say "We have lost ECN"..I was just hoping to spark an idea for a promoter to do a show for minitruckers by minitruckers to support something that might make some kind of impact on peoples perception for the good. This might just be as far as this idea are some clubs forming within VA though..Freaks are here....Maybe they should host?! Just a thought.

dropyrs   +1y

The show Mike showed you is not ECN.  So before you can call someone a sellout you should learn how to read.  The reason the cops in Richmond are so hard on mini trucks is not because of the fact that they are body dropped or shaved up it's because most of the drivers of these trucks are fucking stupid.  If you drag by a cop or ride an inch off the ground your dumb ass is going to get a ticket.  I have been in the scene in the Richmond area for many years and use to feel the same way, until I realised it wasn't the truck it was me being a dumb ass and doing little stuff to draw attention to myself.  I drive my body dropped shaved S-10 at least 2-3 times a week and have no trouble out of cops because I ride at a respectable height and act like I have a brain in my head if I do get stopped.  If you talk like an adult when you get pulled over you would know that most cops will just stop you because they want to see your truck and not to write you a ticket, but when you play stupid or mouth off your going to get one or more.  I will agree that not only Richmond but Virginia as a whole needs more shows and as they pop up I will support as many as I can.

ASTROSS88   +1y
Guys,I live on the western side of Virginia...near Bristol.    Things are the same here....but,they do want to look at your truck , but it's to see how many violations you have...the cops here have very little to do,so pulling you over for the least little modification is a regular thing. I mean, a clear cover over your personlized plates to keep them clean will warrant you a citation. An exhaust any louder than what the factory put on will do the same...I have been an avid mini trucker for many years ( the 80's ) so I have seen it all.
JTB   +1y
get involved with sema  they have the SAN (sema action network) ,which is working to help the hobbyist fight laws restricting antique & custom vehicles and yes you could throw another show too or you yourself could start contacting minitruckers,clubs & other enthusiast in virginia to help regulate what law makers are doing in your statethe police are just doing their job........... its you council person,judges,senators & other state officials who are handing down the rulesi hope you can get something going good luckjt
JTB   +1y

tuckinlugs06   +1y

yea but they say you cant change you susp. but lifted trucks are ok ...i live here in fl and i see more bagged or lowered trucks pulled over then lifted trucks or gay ricers...down here its just gives them something to pick on...its ok for a lifted truck that could run a car over to drive a round with no worry's but its not ok for me to lift my front end up to turn or go over a bod spot in the road..i mean its not like im 3 wheeling around a corner or hopping ...lifting my truck 2-3 inchs slowly is to much for them so i get pulled over this same crap happened at spring fling this stoped for lifting the rear of my truck cause the road was so fucked...and told my no hydralics when on the bagged wtf..some cops i think are just fuckin tards and want to fuck with people
LayFrame   +1y

It all boils down to Ignorance..As arron said (you wanna buy me a copy of hooked on phonics?!)..People doing dumb shit and not realizing what the bigger pictures is after they mouth off to a cop..It just makes everyone look bad in the end..You cant control some people like that..Theyre 18 and their the hot shit..Its just how it works..But their is ignornace on the law enforcement side too..MOST cops dont understand anything about minitrucks..I dont think you can have a conversation with one about your pinion angles and whatnot..MOST wouldnt really care anyways..They just know its not stock..And JT, I am a SEMA member..But I can count on my hands the number of minitruckers I know here in VA..Its just scattered..Some are hardcore into it..Others just buy their trucks off ebay and parade around and have never bought a mini mag or logged into a fourm..The distant, dont have a clue type..So its really hard to get a collective effort on something like that..I do vote for local and state officals..But its not like you know their views on vehicle mods and if they would change anything..Not a top priority to say the least..I think a show would be a good idea though..It would wake some people up and shake a few trees for the good..Anyway, Im done preaching.