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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  Hydraulic setup on a VW Bug

Hydraulic setup on a VW Bug

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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switchhappy   +1y
Hey guys, hopefully someone can help me with my question.  I'm planning on getting an old school beetle but was wondering which is easier to do  an air ride setup or hydro setup?  I'm planning on getting a super beetle by the way only cause I've heard those are easier to drop.  is a super beetle easier to drop than a regular beetle or are they the same?   I'm always wanted one and this would be my first beetle so I'm just doing some research so I can plan ahead.   thanks
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

I personally don't care for superbeetles....the suspension or style.  I'd look for a pre '67.  As much as I love can't 'buy' a bolt-in hydraulics kit for a bug, but you can if you want air.  Check out or .  I've always wanted to see a bug with a hydraulic cylinder off the middle of the beam adjusting to torsions, maybe you could be the first to do that! Anyhow, best of luck with it.
switchhappy   +1y
I like the regular beetles better but I just heard from a friend that the superbeetles were easier to drop thats why I wanted to go with the super instead.  why pre 67'?  I wasn't planning on get one from that year because I know they ran on a 6v system instead of a 12v like the post 67' models. and I don't know how much it would run to convert to a 12v system. plus I figured that with the super beetles strut suspension it would be easier to install hydros but like I said this would be my first beetle so I'd like to get as much info as I can so I don't run into any major issues or problems down the road.
frankie   +1y

im with aaron. i dont care 4 super beetles. my dad and grandpa told me to stay away from them along time ago there big vw guys. the older beam bugs can go alot lower than a super as well. you can do spindels and narow the beam and  cruise that shit right on the ground. mine was 1/2 inch off the ground in the front and just skiped down the road if i wanted it to. if you do some research on the web there is a older bug in the u.k. ive seen alot of pics of that has a air cylinder runing the front beam.i think juice would be about the same way. or probably make some brackets and use the botom trailing arms. not to shure though ive never tried to juice one. but the air kewl kit has a bag set up. the air shocks they sell are simular to an old mustang air shock.not shure on year around a 67 i believe. you can look up the thread on they are alot!! cheeper than the ones they are sellin on air kewld. that"s what i used on the front of my bug.
switchhappy   +1y
thanks that helps alot. I didn't know that the older bugs could go lower than the supers. I'm glad I asked because I found a cheap super that I was thinking about getting but after what you just said I think I'll go with the older beam bugs.  any other advise on dropping a bug?  are air bags the only way to drop the back or can air shocks be used also?  another quick question, did any of the bugs come with A/C? I live in florida so it'd be nice to have it, not a big deal if it doesn't though I was just wondering.
switchhappy   +1y
do the pre 67' bugs go lower than the 67' & newer bugs?  or are the 67'+ ones just harder to slam to the running boards?
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