Hey Guys Here's the deal, hoping someone can help me out. I have an axle from a 79-83 yota in my datsun:(this style:
http://2wd.sr5.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/1.jpg I narrowed the rear end 4". However to get it to our show in time last year I cut one of the axles in half to fit them in the housing, thinking I;d be getting new axles made anyways like most trucks. I found out today I'm looking at close to $600 for a pair of axles from scratch. However they can shorten the stockers for far less, problem is I only have 1, and there are NONE of these trucks around my parts, aside from the 1 i already took the diff from LOL. Hoping someone has or knows of one of these and can ship and axle for me. I'll pay a few bucks for the axle, shipping, and probably some laser parts etc. We'll work something out. Axle needs to go to portland OR and you can leave the backing plate/drum assembly on (drivers side) since i broke one backing plate pressing it apart. (rusty crusty) Trying to track one down by monday. Thanks! Please EMAIL me if you can help out.