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North East \  anyone in maine????

anyone in maine????

North East Regional
views 2131
replies 11
following 7
mainersdrag2   +1y
what up i just moved from idaho to the great state of maine...... except all there are here are shitty roads the biggest fucking pot holes you have ever seen more mud sand and salt then anything people that look like mutants and the worse thing of all the way they all fucking talk! i havent seen one bagged truck car van anything not even a rice burner around here its just rusted mud trucks and minivans so if anyone is out here speak up! i wanna talk and hang! lol i had to downsize hella to move here with my wife so i kept only one project my bagged accord and trying to find some hook ups again friends well anything and everything.. hit me up on here or email
lumpy   +1y
groundscrapers is a club i know of out there youll wanna talk to dan hes a cool dude........ checkout the club directory to get more info
groundscr8pr   +1y
ooohhhh aaron your so sweet. you make me blush
cheeks Sunset SD   +1y

i'm from berwick but moved to san diego cause well maine sucks for trucks
groundscr8pr   +1y
oh come on!!!! san diagos truck scene is better? lol
cheeks Sunset SD   +1y

actually not really I didnt realize there was even any trucks in maine. I am hoping to fly back this show season for a show I gotta talk to my boy alex and see what will be worth the trip
tukin19   +1y

a few of us GS are going to Showfest, and Ressurection 2k10... then 90% of us northeasterners goto  Backwoods Bash, Envy Frenzy, X-Fest, Grounded 4 Life and Carlisle, plus many more!
mainersdrag2   +1y
where the back yard bash ive heard alot of people bring that up........ 
tukin19   +1y

PLainfied, CT mostly northeast minitruckers on there....