Hey guys, we appreciate the great response towards Bob and his family. All of the prayers and kind words are greatly appreciated and really help. We have decided to throw a benefit show for his wife and 3 beautiful kids. Bob's wife Courtney was a stay at home mom who raised and homeschooled their kids. She now has to find a job and take care of a mortgage, 3 kids, and all of the usual bills. Someone in her family came forward and paid off her car completely ($8000)! She is so thankful for this but she still needs help. I don't have a date set for the show yet, but I just want to inform you guys so you can be thinking about it. Every penny brought in at the show will go to her and their kids. I would love to see the minitruckin family pull together and do something wonderful for one of our own. Please post any ideas you have, possible names for the show, any of you vendors who would like to participate, items to be donated for a raffle, etc... We have 4 great bands who have already stepped up and said they want to play at it. We also have some tattoo studios who have donated gift cards for us to raffle off! Any more ideas?...let's hear them. Thanks guys.