The chrome's do need to go in with teh glue wet, and you should not do a roundbead in any circumstance, you should do a V shaped bead as it will more evenly distribute the pressure and set the windshield in better. Also you should not install one over fresh paint and never over clear, the paint needs to outgas for a good period of time, even longer if it was baked. As for the clear you should scuff the paint on the bonding surface down to an ecoat level to get the best adhesion. Also Primerless urethane is garbage you should use a Primer based urethane for windshield isntallation I use DOW and SICA but prefer DOW. You will need to tape the windshield or block it to to keep it from sliding down towards the bottom of the truck during the curing period which can ran from 1 hour for some urethane up to 48 hours for others. And you cannot put the clips in and the Chromes on later like^^^ said, you will never get the chrome to lay down properly, it needs to go together as a unit to make it look and perform right.