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Wheel Questions \  how to find width of boyd coddington wheels someone is selling?

how to find width of boyd coddington wheels someone is selling?

Wheel Questions Q & A
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replies 8
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slamdtaco   +1y
trying to buy some used boyds and the seller doesn't know the width. they were available in 7 & 8". are they stamped with the width and offset/backspace? if not, how can they be measured? they have tires on them. thanks
idrgbdy   +1y
can't they just measure the width of the wheel? even if it has the tire on it, couldn't they guess pretty close? and the backspacing, i'd assume they could measure from the inside center of the wheel to the inside edge. idk. lol
slamdtaco   +1y

I'm hoping, but was really hoping maybe it would be marked on the inside to make it easy. I'm having to go back and forth with them

Typically to width of the wheel easiest, measure from lip to lip and subtract 1 inch that is your width, ex if it measures 11 it's a 10" wheel. Billets go by back spacing in inches usually, take the tape measure and go from the mounting pad to the lip use a ruler or something flat that wont flex across the back of the wheel.
slamdtaco   +1y

yeah I'm gonna see if he can get me a measurement

slamdtaco   +1y
Edited: 8/31/2010 3:57:51 PM by SLAMDTACO

finally bought the wheels. the specs are stamped on the inside lip. 17x7 made on 2/20/03 found on CL for $37517" Boyd Coddington Turbo'sneed polished and new tires

gonz   +1y

awesome deal! they should look great after some billet polish and a powerball!
Rob Clayhill   +1y
Edited: 8/31/2010 10:02:44 PM by LowLyfe83

Fuckin right dude!!those look great on your truck AND u got a sweet deal. IMO, closed end lug nuts look nicer on wheels with exposed lugs.
slamdtaco   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by LowLyfe83Edited: 8/31/2010 10:02:44 PM by LowLyfe83Fuckin right dude!!those look great on your truck AND u got a sweet deal. IMO, closed end lug nuts look nicer on wheels with exposed lugs.---------------------------------------------yeah I need new ones. those are the lugs from my escalades
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