this past sat night some jackass stole my tailgate around 11pm-1am Downtown Visalia at the Double l.. this is the 2nd tailgate thats Ive had thats been stolen..i actually put a hose clamp around the end so u couldn't lift it off.. (figured if some one tried to lift and it wouldn't come off they wouldn't break out a screw driver and spend the time to undo a house clamp) 99-06 Chevy fullsize red shaved tail gate.. $200 reward if lead me to it r bring it to me no questions asked...I know its just a tailgate.. but 2nd time.. and just 3 weeks ago @ target my truck was broken into stole the indash unit and thrashed my dash broke the window. fucked the paint up.. thank god for insurance on that one.. man so any help would be great.. steve 599-303-1207