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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  little help please with bagging 2000 accord

little help please with bagging 2000 accord

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
views 3141
replies 49
following 25
sicndahead   +1y
Here is a proposition for you....You buy me a 1/5 hydroholics setup and ill give u all my air off my wagon and install it for u
YUH8IN96   +1y

so this is the same dude that was talkin shit about juice in the other forum sayin that if you juice a honda that its going to split in 2?????  
YUH8IN96   +1y

ive been reading thru this and so far i havent seen one thing that is helping you, being a honda builder this is what you have to do, they do make drop spindles you will need these to lay in the front, also you are going to need some tubbing to build a sub frame over the motor and attach to the factory sub frame in the fron and fire wall. this will also be used to mount the bag on, you will have to do a bag plate on the control arm and you do have to cut just about the entire wheel well out.for 20s ,,(DO NOT DO HYDROS) on a 2 door that would be fine but a for door you WILL BUCKLE THE CAR IN THE MIDDLE the back you should have no problem with trailer axel and 4 link do it as you would a truck. O AND AS FAR AS CONTROL ARMS HITTING USE A ECLIPSE HOOD BUBBLES TO Help CLEAR THE BAGS AND MOUNTS.    this is going to be alot of work i hope your ready for it good luck  Wasent that you????   dropped00civic
Edited: 6/28/2010 4:40:11 PM by CLNSHVNnDRAGGN

That's him.  Guess he didn't realize he can have more than one ride in your profile so he just started a whole new one...
post photo
YUH8IN96   +1y

so he makes a new profile an still goes n talks shit i dont understand, he needs to go make another n start over again cuz he already fucked up again
leydbck   +1y
Wasn't this guy a Honda pro? Built more Honda's than years someone else had been alive? Just order a kit for a Civic, I think you said they were the same suspension.
You guys need to be nicer to him or he might leave again.  This site can't afford to lose another Honda pro.  Especially someone with his expertise.
tukn18saccord   +1y

good god you guys are so easy, yes i know that cans with fit got to have heims joints for the rear and this that and the other, ive been baiting you all the whole time, just to see how much shit i can get started in one form, damn this is too easy, streetsource has got boring to me over the years, i stoped coming on here cause nothing new was happening, that and i pay for a gold membership 4 years ago that i never got but anyway, ive been real bored so i figured i would stir up some shit, i know juice is the best way to get lift and drop, a buddy of mine works for coolcars in louisville, plus ive been dealing with them for years i was even offered a job there a few years back as a installer but i turned it down cause i dont want to drive 2 hours to and from work every day. and i know the only way to break a 4 door car or buckle it is to hop the shit out of it, and yes i know you can have more than one profile on here ive had 5 at one time, personely i like dros had them sold them, ive had 3 air ride kits this year alone and sold them, i am really short on cash that was true and the baby thing. but fact of the matter is ive never been helped on here never, so doing nothing i figured i would see just how far i could get people to go and damn it went further than i thought, its all in fun and yes i know i pissed some people off woo hoo but tell me yall didnt get a good laugh from this and actually have something to do on here. i do like this site but it has got so damn boring, forgive me for this game, nothing personel to any of you, tre you do good work thats no lie, but i was right about one thing out of all this not one person even attempted to help. there is people on here that have seen what i can do so they can prove im full of shit and playing games on here so really yall have been fun time for me to find something else to do like go and finish fiberglassing my interior parts l8tr yall
gravity5   +1y
Edited: 6/28/2010 10:36:11 PM by gravity5

Wow just to start shit, that is exactly the type of person that made this site shit for a period of time, people with nothing better to do than start shit.  You WERE given help, you chose to be ignorant to those that offered it, and slam other peoples ideas.  Seriously I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that this is not welcome here, there is no need to try and start shit intentionally for any reason.  I would not do air on an import ever again, had it hated it, thats where I stand, it is my opinion that hydraulics in their current form and for the most part from Hydroholics are the way to go for a durable and high quality install, cans bang the tops as well as the bottoms and get little to no lift.   On a side note, as much as I hate to be rude, you could and should spend some more time on your spelling and grammar if you would like to be taken seriously.  It is stuff like that, that insinuates you being immature and will cause more negative comments down the line.
tukn18saccord   +1y

grammer i dont care about grammer, and this is the kind of responses i was looking for, just to see what it takes to piss people off on here, i will run air on my import, nothing against juice just had it and like the ride of air better, with juice i like the speed of it alittle bit too much so im a hopping type person,but like i said before i know i made people mad and i think it is funny and if you read back thru some of this you will have a good laugh too, dont hate till you play the game ive had it done to me now you have had it done to you :lol: