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Air Ride Suspensions \  link setup and bag questions for 2 dr tahoe 2wd

link setup and bag questions for 2 dr tahoe 2wd

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
views 1405
replies 8
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MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y
after tons of reading on this site and others i am still having a hard time deciding what setup would be best for my truck. i pretty much want what everyone else does - a smooth ride, layed frame, massive lift, and something that would be manageable for a first timer. i also what it to be aestheticly pleasing to the eye. when looking alot of these things up i wasnt able to find out what kind of setups people had or the logic behind them running a particular setup. i spoke to blackesdime and said that a bag on bar setup would be best because it is somewhat simple and was a good match for a tahoe. i was looking at sd super lift super pivot 4 link kit and gave the tech department a call but they recommended something else. so i thought i would get some more input before making a decision. id rather spend the money on quality parts the first time then to have to tear it apart and do it all over down the road. any help on this would be great.<!-- / message -->
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MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

PAZZ! what up homie?&nbsp;yeah im&nbsp;on fullsizechevy&nbsp;quite a bit. i actually have pictures of&nbsp;my tahoe on that same thread.&nbsp;i just found that setup today on a 07 chevy actually and i like it quite a bit.its pretty basic and seems managable however for that id rather build one form scratch and freak it a bit.its not major&nbsp;because you wouldnt see it but id like it&nbsp;to different then someone plus is something that would fit right - or close the first time and i wouldnt have to deal with the headache. all of the messurement should be on point.&nbsp;as far as the front end i dont think that kit will fit because they kept the 98 frame and components thru 99 on the 2 doors.i was looking into something else... maybe some strong arms or another company.i say strong arms because they are produced by a larger company and i feel like a bigger company would have more research and development in thier products.idk im still at the planning stanges. i want to have everything before i even start because its my daily.&nbsp;&nbsp;would you go for the ekstensive over the sd super lift super pivot?&nbsp;&nbsp;good looks on the help!&nbsp;let me know about that motor.

do a parrallel four link with bent upper bars&nbsp; and canti lift bars off the back
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MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

what advantage does this offer me that the other one doesnt?
barsgsxr   +1y

mine has a canti in&nbsp; the back with and i made my own 4 link and i have sttrong arms in the front&nbsp;
MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

barsgxsr - do you have any pictures of your frame?
MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

ive decided to go with a 4 link. if i want performance and to do it right the first time its the only way.anyone who stumbles upon this should refer to this page if they havent already.;page=-2&nbsp;get lost on this side of the site. there is along of solid information here - not just opinions.
MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y

anybody else have setup&nbsp;suggestions or pictures?&nbsp;im&nbsp;trying to&nbsp;achieve maximum lift and drop it on the body. i want a lot of play for&nbsp;fbss&nbsp;action.
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