No, backspace and offset are two different ways of locating the wheel mounting surface.The guy was correct, you take half the wheel width, and add a positive offset, or subtract a negative offset to find out the backspace, but it's not adding the backspace to the offset.Also, on a 8.5" wheel the true centerline is at 4.75", not 4.25". You have to add 1/2" to the stated wheel width to account for the rear mounting lip that the tire bead seals to.It's a lot of confusing stuff that can mess you up if you're not paying attention.So on a 8" wide wheel with an offset of +25, take 8 divided by 2 to get 4, then add the 1/2" to get 4.5". Then add the offset of 25mm, which is 1" to get 5.5". That would be it's backspace.