---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Chopped Mazda---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Chopped MazdaEdited: 7/29/2010 8:12:23 AM by Chopped MazdaWow. Kris, you should be absolutely ashamed that you have that fucking garbage on your site. You and the people that represent your site, look like fucking idiots. The drinking and driving, and then video taping it to try and make it look funny and cool. I guess thats something only a true mini trucker would do right? Cant forget the gun at the end. Way bad ass.... You guys arent a bad example of minitruckers at all, and I mean that. Your a bad example of life. ---------------------------------------------Listen to yourself cussing and ranting. I watched it and i didn't see any drinking and driving. Yea the gun thing was dumb.. I should have beaver edit that out.. lol If you don't like it that is fine. It is a pilot epesode and we can cancel the show if it is that big of a deal.. regardless of that though, we will be updating SSMTV alot more and adding more videos from the different DVD guys.. Also, if you have a show you want to do, let me know.. ---------------------------------------------No kris, i dont have a show i want to do. I just dont get your reasoning.... Just like when i stated what i saw in the show, that was my opinion. Your allways asking for peoples opinions on all this shit that you have on your site and wanting to know what people want. Then a large group of people tell you... and you get on ME for ranting and cussing? for real? cussing? Come on kris. that shit was garbage and you know it. Hell even your lead contributor on this site SSM-Brandt agreed exactly what what i said, until you or him removed his post to make it look like he wasnt against it. That in itself is bullshit. Brandt, you should have left your post up, that was a horse shit move deleting it. U get that option to regret what you say, and just delete it, and forget about it. Nobody else does.... I dont get it, in the very first post they asked for feedback, even if they dont like it..... if you wanted everyone to mindlessly say it was awesome, then you should have said so. Taylor ---------------------------------------------I am not saying anything other than the fact that you were cussing and ranting in your review of a guy cussing and ranting, just pointing out the irony. But it's ok if people don't like it.. it was a test run. Now we can either have him change the style of the show, or cancel it. btw, I deleted brandts post.. Not him. I got upset cause i thought brandt was calling me an idiot.