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Old School Minis \  drop em wears new shirt "i was a minitrucker when..." (Line # 14 - PRICELESS TO SSM AND ME !!!)

drop em wears new shirt "i was a minitrucker when..." (Line # 14 - PRICELESS TO SSM AND ME !!!)

Old School Minis General Discussions
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following 22
gimp5561   +1y
maybe it need a tandem ranger pic on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
droopy   +1y
Edited: 1/13/2011 10:30:42 AM by droopy

Old school mazda you say???!!!!!In that case put me down for a couple!!!!You still in winston if so i'll come by and pick em up next month when i go to the doctor
sicsan   +1y

lowranger5561 said:

maybe it need a tandem ranger pic on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


better yet how about lees deep dish wheels on that mits with that WIDEBODY yall tried to roadster you know what im talking about
///RELAXED 720   +1y

DropEmWear said:

NO the mullet is not making a comeback. lol. I will have the new design with a mazda b2000 with a camper shell up for final approval. I have been putting so many old trucks on shirts that I thought I needed to do something newer. I made the comment to jen that someone is going to bitch that it doesnt have an old school mini on it. Well...enough said. lol It will be an old school mini from here on out. Check back later today for the new/old look. And by the way. HAIR BEAR is the oldest of old. We intentionally put a spelling mistake in there to see who would be the oldest yet sharpest minitrucker around. Did you find it yet? lol. Hint...the correct one is up on our site and has been up on our site the whole time. lmao


I'm not the oldest of the old I just have the best eye sight :LOL: ...... If the shirt is gonna have a mazda with a topper that bitch better be rocking some PATHFINDERS (which should've been mentioned in that list SOMEWHERE!!!!!!)
gimp5561   +1y
when can i come to winston and pick up a box
KEEF   +1y
That doesnt take an old schooler Lucky that was like last year LOL...... Gr8 shirt BaBAY
Lucky   +1y
I need a name change......
Gunman   +1y

sicsan said:

i dont think any of us was minitruckin when bullis had a single axel? mayve bob? lol i do have a pic of that black and pink beast of the east broke down on side of 77 in statesville just over interstate 40 hahahahaah when he actaullay drove it god help he knows i seen it but didnt know i had a picture of it hahahaha i was like 15 or 16


I was driving my Ranger in FL, and keeping tabs on the other Rangers around the country via mini truckin, and truckin', so I remember his Ranger when it was black and pink.