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Air Ride Suspensions \  Anyone interested in adjustable 2-Links?

Anyone interested in adjustable 2-Links?

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
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unusualfabrication   +1y
Edited: 2/19/2011 8:46:54 PM by UnusualFabrication


I know alot of people run 2-links (I like my 4-links but I want to make something for everyone) because 2-links are cheap and do what they need, which is lift the vehicle up and keep the axle underneath. So, I just wanted to throw out a feeler and see if anyone on here was interested in adjustable 2-links and probably a panhard or track bar to keep costs down. I have had a design in my head for a few years now that I haven't seen on the market, nothing that's going to revolutionize the industry or anything, lol, but better IMO! I completely understand the negative characteristics of 2-link systems and some of them will not change. With this setup the four ends in the axle brackets are adjustable which gives the user some flexability to square the axle up in the chassis and also adjust the pinion angle. I am getting ready to start my wifes Caprice Wagon and I thought this might be a good way to keep floor space. I think it would ideal for SUV's, wagons, or anywhere that you wanted to keep the suspension low in the chassis.

gonz   +1y
not my cup of tea but good idea. i cant understand why everyone keeps paying like 800 bux for an ekstensive 2 link. i can make a 2 link with like 50 bux. but im sure you could sell an assload of them if you keep em cheap. good luck.
maz duh   +1y
If I am following what you are saying correctly I believe I have seen 2 links setup in this manner in the past, Totally Pollished used to do them this way back in the day. The design will allow for a small amount of axle articulation thru bushing flex which would help the street driveability of the truck or car it was installed on. If you chose to run a track bar it would stop this from happening, a panhard or watts would have to be used to maintain articulation.

One of the other issues I can see coming up is that if you wanted to mount your airspring under leverage to get more lift you would have to be sure to centre it on the bar otherwise the bar will twist because it has a bushing on both ends. If you were to use your stock leaf spring pickup point to anchor the front of the bar (in an effort to keep costs down) there may not be room to mount the bag this way(eg ford ranger)

You would be able to tweak the pinion angle a bit after installation (which is more difficult on other 2 link setups) You will still have a poorly placed instant centre for a street driven setup but I also understand not everone is going to care about technical stuff like that either.

In all honesty it would work for the street, offer some improvements over the Billy Bar style setups most others are marketing and would probably sell reasonably well too. Its not going to be everyones thing but there are still options if you arent into this type of a setup.

Good luck man and let us see how it works out for ya
pics would be cool if you dont mind
unusualfabrication   +1y
I had pics up but apparently they didn't link up to the other site, anyways they should be there now.
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
They actually sell pretty well. I make a pinion adjustable 2 link kit, and probably move one or two a week. I try to all ways sell them with a watts link tho

It dosent quite look like yours, the "short" bar in my kit uses a adjustable bushing end so that the pinion can be adjusted. And it does not wrap around the axle, the adjustable link is behind the axle.

I like the look of that kit tho, seems like it would be a good seller. I get people asking for 2link kits every week, you could probably sell a good amount of them! A lot of people seem to like the appeal of the easy install, and i dont blame them.

I personally try to all ways push a parallel 4link, but if they dont want it, they dont want it lol. Some people are set on 2links.


unusualfabrication   +1y
I need to fix the drawing because the axle end of the short bar and the long bar both have adjustable ends on them, but I didn't draw it that way.
jeebus @ mmw   +1y

Hell, instead of making adjustable ends on the bars you could change your bracket that is welded on the 2x2 to have a few different holes, and make it adjustable that way. Save some time and money. you probably only need 4 different locations....

I cant make mine like that becuause of its location :(

unusualfabrication   +1y
Well thanks to all that have commented. Looks like i'll redraw a few things and make an actual part!
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