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Off-topic \  Asking for help!

Asking for help!

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4uh8rs   +1y
I talked with Bob Hase before posting this.Please if you have no intrest in this post I ask you not to gum it up with anything negative.

Dear Friends,I'd like to share with you a trip that I am going to take that will hopefully be a life changing experince for the people I come in contact with,as well as my own.I was happy to find out that I have been given the opportunity to go on a Missions trip with The Lords Child along with about 40 others from my church.Our team will be traveling to the country of Uganda from Sept 9th to Sept 17th.While we are there we will be ministering to the people of Kampala through construction at The Lords Child orphanage.We will also be helping a local church with a three day eveangelistic crusade.Through this we hope to win many souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.Now,all I need is the money to get there.We will be involved in fundraisers to earn money,however,I will need sponsors.Right now I am looking for 35 people to sponsor me for $100. toward this once in a lifetime experience.However .I realize this amount may not be possible,so any amount that you might be able to give would greatly appreciated.If you are sending a check please make it out to The Lords Child.I believe that with prayer and God's help my financial need will be met.Please pray for me as I prepare for this mission and while we are there.Pray that people will see the love of Jesus through us and will be touched in some way.My prayer is that this trip proves to be life changing for the people of Kampala.Uganda even more than for myself.Thank you for letting me share with you what will be one of the most meaningful experiences of my life.If you cannont help in a financial way,please help support me with your prayers.In His Service,Jeff Lewis Please private message me for any info you may need..
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