I've owned this truck for seven years and have been working on it for 3 now. Never did a build thread here because SSM used to not support IMG tags, so I wasn't going to change the pics to work for this site. Now that it does, I'm going to do a little copy and paste action.
It is on hold for a little while, but here is the progress so far!
My stock 1977 Datsun 620
Then the break down:
Couldn't get enough fat minitruckers together, so had to get creative for the cab removal.
And it's apart!
What I am working with.
I scored some of tires of a more fitting size then the ones that were on the truck for next to nothing. So like a mad man I decided to take the 30 year old tires off the original wheels and mount the "new" tires on myself.
6 hours of work later...
And that's how that is done ha ha.
The result.
For anyone that has ever mounted your own tires, take pride in your work!!!
Got the front all the way torn down.
From here it is cut city boys.
I wish that I could separate the spindle assembly from the lower control arms, but without a replacement king pin set on hand, I'll just have to work with this.
Driver side got a little loving from the cut off wheel.
Damn, that almost fits in there.
So this was awesome.
To bad that the wheel and tire fell of the jack when I was locating the lower bag plate and the upper control arm hit the bag mount and knocked it off. I was so pissed.
Damn this thing is a bitch to bag. Second time around for the driver's side, the frame section is better this time then the first attempt.
Still have the bottom bag mount to tack in, then gusseting. The passenger side will come out a lot cleaner, since I've mostly learned what not to do.
Doesn't get much better than this. It gets good lift also about 2" below stock height. If anyone ever saw me cruise the mazda, normal ride height was about 1/2" off the ground.
And my awesome wheels. It looks like an inch and half Z is in store for this thing in order for it to get to lay.
Both sides on the front are done now. Still needs permanent welding, and I have to plate the bottom of the frame but I'm going to burn it all in later. Cycled the front, everything works great. It'll be on a shorter tire, and I won't know how much of a z it'll need to make it lay until I get the rear end tore down.
Front Down.
That'll work.
And compared to my Frontier's frame .
Got the leaf springs removed, axle center and tacked to frame using the old u-bolts. Looks like I can use a small notch in the frame to get this thing to lay. Next on the list is to cut off some random brackets on the frame and then build a cross member.
Cut out the peices to build a cross member out of some scrap I had laying around.
Welded all of that scrap together into a cross member, plated the ends, and tacked it in.
The start of my lower link bars out of 2*2 .025 wall.
[img width=1023 height=612]
Notching the ends with a chop saw and a grinder. Too bad this is a scrap peice that I practiced on, and not the actual link bar. If you never knew that you could do this, check out this thread. Chop saw notching 101
Found some 17" 10 year old billet wheels!
Got the lower link bars welded together, and the axle cleaned off of the four link tabs. Still have to finish my uppers.
I had to take my link bars to a fab shop and have the bungs tapped out to accept the rod ends after I welded them up, only cost me $20 bucks, but these silly little $20 things always add up, like the $50 in grade 8 hardware for the link bars. Any ways, on to some pics.
Got everything mocked up, small truck, but it'll all fit.
Ended the night with a 2 link. Uppers are tacked in, next time it'll be the lowers.
I'll call it a three link for now.
Now there are 4 link bars!
And some more scrap metal
It's a match!
So I tried to install the notch I built and it just seem easier to run new frame rails...
The rest of the wheels off to the polish shop! Going to get some rubber on these this month also.
Getting the factory rails cut whooped my ass. 8 cut off wheels and 4 hours later, I got it all mocked up. This frame has a vertical support all the way down the inside of the rail. Total pain in the ass.
spent another hour and half on the one on the left.
I like these.
My mom asked me why I bought tires for truck that didn't run...
Got fish plates built and the rear frame rails tacked in place. Going to be a booger to weld this all together.
Got the back bag mounts in last night, cut out my own gussets out of flat plate.
At full lock the frame is 7" off the ground, plenty of lift.
At this point in the build I relized that my instant center was behind the truck, so I fixed that.
I lowered the upper mounts the most that I could.
Then I cut the crap out of everything that was keeping it from laying. There are a couple more remnants of cross member that are still keeping it up, not to mention that I'm out of suspension travel in the front.
Hopefully tonight I