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Air Ride Suspensions \  What's a good offset to tuck 22"-9.5" rims obs chevy???

What's a good offset to tuck 22"-9.5" rims obs chevy???

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
views 5157
replies 8
following 7
Looking at a set of 22s just not sure how to pick the offset. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
TooLowSdime   +1y
Well not sure if it will help but the best way i've found is something like this. you'll want to mesure from where the wheel mounts to the edge of the fender.

this is just a pic i found on google. that is one way of doing it the other would be to tie a wieght to a string and hold it at the lip of your fender then use a mesuring tape to see how much space there is from that string to the hub where the wheel mounts. for example say you have 3 inches from the lip to the fender and the wheels your looking at are 8 inch wide. a 0mm offset means the hub mounting point would be 4 inches on the front of the wheel and 4 on the back. something to remember is that there is 25.4 mm in a inch. so with the wheel and space you have you would need at least a 25mm positive offset so that the wheel would have 5 inches on the back and 3 on the front. in a case like that i would try to find a 30mm positive offset so that the wheel tucks in the wheel well almost a half inch. you will find that not all wheels will be made with the exact mesurements you have so you'll have to find the closest thing to it.hopefuly this all makes sence.

TooLowSdime   +1y

This is more what i was talking about. once you have that mesurement you'll know how much of a offset you need. just remember theres 25.4mm in a inch. every wheel company puts there mesurements in mm for some reason.
post photo
donobird   +1y
do the above then go to this site and fill in the blanks at top of the chart. the chart helps with tire size and everything. you just have to give it a good look over.
So positive tuck negative stick out. I seen a guy had some boss 22-9.5s with +16 offset and he said the tucked nice looks like that's a good start thanks everybody.
drupru22   +1y
I've ran a 150 spoke 22x10 with a 0 offset and they tucked just fine, but I did roll the inner fender lips to be on the safe side up front. Any positive offset should be fine with a 9.5 wide rim.
laidoutvideo   +1y
if you ever plan on body dropping the truck you will need more of a positive offset. I would say atleast a +20 with a 9.5" wheel. i run a 9" wide wheel with a +40 offset. didn't have to narrow rear differential and they clear front fenders great. i wouldn't run a 0 offset wheel. During travel it will most likely come very close to the fender which could be bad when laying out, or trying to roll low. +40 may be slightly overkill but i wasn't taking any chances on them not fitting.
scotto79   +1y

This site is great to try and see how different wheel measurements will fit with what you're working with, and if you plan on changing it up for a new set.
Thanks everybody for the help!! Good advice. Thanks for the calculations abd the link too.
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