maz duh
A raised trans x member shouldn't raise the tail of the trans up at all. It is just designed to sit flush with the bottom of the rails unlike the stock monster while keeping the mounting position for the transmission the same as it was. If your truck has been stock floor bodied to the pinch the tunnel will be pretty close now but it shouldn't be an issue. If the truck is stock floored to the rocker you will be in for some reworking of the floor to squeeze it all under there.
One option for doing a tunnel lift is to harvest some trans tunnel sheet metal from a bone yard doner truck so you have some extra material on the sides to work with and then build one out of two using the bone yard tin and some of your original floor. This keeps it pretty factory looking and makes things like factory consoles, shifter boots and carpets fit up a little easier too.
I also second the pics request, I love to see these aborted messes get fixed up to cruise the streets again