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project: toyrover

Minitruckin' Magazine
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ahab   +1y

Built a new dash today.  I thing it turned out alot nicer.  We will have the center done with the cluster in soon.  The interior is starting to take shape.
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aon-teach   +1y

Should be so much easier to smooth out now . That dip in the middle for the cluster is the awesome. I'm sure people are like WTF, they cut a hole in the dash now. Just wait and see what Ahab does. His mind works in strange ass ways. We were sitting there with sweat dripping after about 8 hours of work and then he just grabbed the marker, threw down a free-hand arc on the dash and goes, "That looks good." 20 minutes later we were building a totally transformed dash. It went from "that looks cool" to "Fuk yo Face!"RED DRAGONS!   
jetts   +1y

please do some nice digtal gauges and not the ugly ass stock cluster
ahab   +1y

dont you worry about what gauges Im using Killer.  Im a stealthy motha fucka.  And we are using the stock cluster.  But you will not recognize it.  I play for Keeps!
stickboy   +1y
hey just wanted to say good deal on starting over on the dash and this one should come out bad ass lil tinted lexan with the stock cluster behind it? thats some cool lil update look  
ahab   +1y

Damn man your stealin all my thunder.  Your right though.  The cluster will be behind smoked acrilic.  You wont see it unless the truck is on and the gauges are lit.  Im really happy with the way this dash is going.  The other one needed alot of work.  Fiberglass is not always the answer apparently.  Thanks
stickboy   +1y
tell me about it, i started a dash 10 years ago, i gave up like a year or so in to it. still have the dash just never felt like sanding it down, probalby just cover the top half and not even worry about the rest.
k24 rd6   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by ahabI think Im going to paint it myself.  Why not Ive done everything else on the truck.  Plus its really hard to find good paints and body guys who arent flaky.


If you are interested, my painter is always doing trade work. He has a 63 Impala SS that he could use hydros on

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tre5   +1y

Andy doesn't know much about hydraulics, but he is learning. I would be more than willing to help him out with getting the hydraulics on a car if it will help Andy get his truck painted by west coast.
k24 rd6   +1y

Cool. That is coming up fast. How close is it to being ready to paint?  What paint scheme and colors?