sorry to butt in on another topic but i noticed some false information..... RELAXING IN SOCAL is still tenative to happen but in JUNE Let me clear the air here We are working on the show now at a new location tenatively /////ALPINE ELECTRONICS in Torrance, as you might of heard K&N has allot going on with NASCAR this year and someone took it upon themsleves to tell them he wasnt doing the show but that doesnt mean ///RELAXED as a club isnt so we are working on this daily and we have the GO just gotta work out all the details this following week.. We will start a thread on the show once we know all the details etc .. THE SHOW IS NOT IN MAY - it is planned as of now for JUNE 13th and all info is TBA so we will keep you posted if you hear other wise ask a club member first or email me anytime. Pre Reg , Booth, and Sponsor forms will be up soon if you are interested let me know! Thanks and sorry for the misinformation... ///Erik