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Minitruckin' Magazine \  Buildup Threads - MT & SSM team up

Buildup Threads - MT & SSM team up

Minitruckin' Magazine
views 4010
replies 30
following 22
HotRodDime   +1y
We teamed up to provide you guys a unique opportunity! From now on, any minitruck build thread that is posted in this forum will be eligible to win a spot in our MT Lyfestyle section along with a free 3yr gold membership to SSM and a year subscription to Mini Truckin'! All you have to do is post your build threads here and keep them updated! Each month we will pick a winner to run in the mag

Get to work!!!

AutoS10   +1y
Edited: 9/18/2008 7:28:59 PM by AutoS10

Edited: 9/18/2008 7:27:35 PM by AutoS10

remember, you have to post in MT and SSM MORE INFO HERE - Two New Contests - Build of the Month and Scale Model Build
HotRodDime   +1y
remember, YOU MUST GO TO

and start A NEW forum for the project and keep it updated with pics
e10pvmt   +1y
damn...that means i have to give up my secret i dont wanna do that yet....ok i will think about it
slammedcivicsi   +1y
does this count for those of us that started our builds a few years ago ? Im still workin on my truck, but have pictures from years ago throughout the build.
Layumon22s   +1y
^^ yea I've been building mine for 6 years and have build up pics of all it's different phrases...
HotRodDime   +1y
YUP!!! old and new builds, as long as there's good current pics and cool process pics then load them ALL!!!

slammedcivicsi   +1y
cool, I guess I better get some decent photos then.
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
you minitruckers get all the luck. What about us minitruckers that had to get rid of our minitrucks, to go to a larger truck, but still treat it like a mini.....

do those count too?