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Minitruckin' Magazine \  Feb Issue

Feb Issue

Minitruckin' Magazine
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leftsyder   +1y
Very nice job again Mike and everyone ! love the first blood center fold . Glad to see the Sadistic toy been waiting awhile to see it on the cover. Great Issue glad Ernie is back I like reading mind of Macias. Hopefully we ll see more mini inspired cars too.
pat2low   +1y

 great issue
HotRodDime   +1y

thanks guys! as always we busted butt on it more people should be getting it this week, let us know what you think! Thanks for the support!  
CHUNK91   +1y

Mike, the new issue looks GREAT!!!   Is this going to be an every month or a month to month bases for the cars? Just curious... I might have a couple in mind to shoot for you.
pugz   +1y
new mag looks good,  keep up the great work mike.   i sent u a lil care package today too.  so u should have that in a couple days
HotRodDime   +1y

to be honest guys, it was like pulling teeth to try the car out again so we will have to see how it does before we can make it a monthly thing! but if you like what your seeing, go out and buy a few extras for your aunts and dogs, and whoever else, just keep buying them and we will keep pushing the limits!  Thanks guys!!!!  
slammedcivicsi   +1y
I got mine last week, and its great. Nice features, the car is bad ass, I've wanted to see it in print for a while now, and the Toyota in there is cool, Ive been looking for pics of it for months now, but havent been able to find any, so it was nice to finally see some of it. Keep it up ! -Brad
LynBdyMini   +1y
badass issue ! i might be partial to the construction zone though! haha. thanks again buddy! <><><>
sadisticiron   +1y

come on curtis what about sarah's truck...hows it look

another job well done!, adams car is sick its one that should be seen in person, also nice to see east coast coverage(LOWROLLERS EOSB). and i cant lie i loved the issue because my truck is being used for the Air-Zenith ad, thanks to MOTIONTHREE.COM,LOWRIDERDEPOT.COM,and LAYEDOUTVIDEO.COM.    keep it up MINITRUCKIN!