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Minitruckin' Magazine \  September 2010 issue Paint & Body

September 2010 issue Paint & Body

Minitruckin' Magazine
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lost cause   +1y
My artist profile came out this month!!        And I just wanted to gives a special thanks to MINITRUCKIN' and Mike Alexander, for going out of your way to do such an awesome write up and layout. Thank you. I'm truly honored and I can't even begin to explain how amazing it feels to be recognized on such a high level. If you haven't seen this months issue make sure you pick it up, it's a good one "Lost Cause"  
blazn   +1y

Props man, It is much deserved!!!
dragnlow   +1y
Can't wait to check it out congrats Brian
Slappy Mc Nasty   +1y

for everything youve brought to the scene, your work is amazing and deserves it immensly!!!!! sadly, i wont get my issue until 2013 cause subscriptions suck
lost cause   +1y
Thanks for the props guys! I still feel like I'm dreaming when I open the mag and see my big ugly mug on page 56  Seriously though It's beyond honoring to be in the mag like that.....And I feel like a lot of what helped me get to where I am is all the great people I've come to know on street source. Without you I would not be here. You guys have helped me push the envelope and continue to keep helping me think outside the box. Thanks everyone I owe it all to you! Brian "Lost Cause" Walker
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