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Minitruckin' Magazine
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marcus38   +1y
Edited: 12/17/2010 5:06:14 PM by marcus38

THATS DOWNRIGHT SAD CHRIS! i absolutely love MT, it is the first mag dedicated to the sport of building smaller trucks! i am currently going on a 4 year build of my astro van! it will be done complete in about 2 more. i was hopin for at least a feature in MT if it is still going. but seein less circulation of the mag means less people seeing your truck. ive heard stories about truck owners talking to the different mags on featuring their ride. one says we ll put you on the cover, another says hey your on their cover so we can only give u a feature in ours vice a versa. so distribution in stores could play a major factor on who shoots the truck for what! not saying we have control over the final outcome anyways. im sure some are desperate enough to get in one however they can. i look at this months MT and see this awesome BAGLESS nissan and think of the money and work it took to get it there, yet he has trouble finding extra copies to buy at the stores so he could give out a few to relatives and so on. and with this thread knowing that the problem exists elsewhere, id be bummed for sure wishin for a cover on the other that seems so plentiful on the shelves. i hope things change for the better and we see more of MT on the store shelves. it would be a dream come true to see mine in MT oneday!
marcus38   +1y
a bump for the edit above ^
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marcus38   +1y
just noticed also in febs multipage ads! they are in STREETTRUCKS though, on the shelves ready to be seen. may be a better move on their part due to the lack of circulation. i know those ads arent cheap, so get the most distribution for the dollar i guess. i just wonder what is goin on, dont u guys?
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HotRodDime   +1y
Edited: 12/30/2010 5:58:31 PM by HotRodDime

Yeah, circ has shrunk in the last few years... I used to get these emails everyday and would try and explain how it gets harder and harder to find! I can't find it anywhere by me either :( best thing to do is make sure to ask the manager in your local chain why they don't carry MT and request it if you can??? I see Street Trucks everywhere now and I know their circulation has gone up... But Truckin' is still the only truck mag I ever see in the airports? Either way, make sure to buy the ones you love and support them all until the very end!!! Even though print media has shrunk and will never be the same, we ALL love to read about our favorite trucks so let's hope that they can keep the mags going for years to come...
HotRodDime   +1y
aight, and now that I really think about it I haven't been on here much... is it just me or is this place a ghost town also??? maybe just the holidays??? where'd everyone go??????????????
bodydropped85   +1y
someone left the door open... :POKE:
HotRodDime   +1y
:LOL: ahahaha...
slammedcivicsi   +1y
I dont come round here much, cause all I ever smell is bullshit.

Oh and BTW, I find MT everywhere in Victoria. My mom however can never find it in her small little town. She always buys a copy if my truck makes show coverage.

marcus38   +1y
thanks for the reply mike, i was hoping u or john might see this and respond! so now i see that the thing to do is request it from the store manager and if we get a few minitruckers requests they should know that they will sell copies! this post was meant to ask everybody if they were having the same issue of seeing MT on the store shelves as i have had. not to rag on the mag! just to raise awareness to see how we can see more MT on the shelves. i like all the mags supporting the sport of customizing and STREETTRUCKS is doing an awesome job also,not to mention TRUCKIN too! i am renewing for a 2 yr subscription to add to my past 6 yrs of subscription support for MT. i buy ST and TRUCKIN off the shelf from time to time. just dont wanna see MT go away thats all! so lets take advice from HotRodDime and support the original small custom truck mag that we all love and enjoy! oh and my mom buys MT and my trucks never been in it!! jus messin with ya brad, thought id jus give ya that familiar smell u were talkin about...LOL...peace out truckers!!
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1LowMits94   +1y
I've noticed the same thing here in Wilkesboro, NC. There's 4x4 mags, Streettrucks, but no MT.