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Mazda 2.2L \  B2200 Motor Swap?

B2200 Motor Swap?

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 8
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Bigblockb2200   +1y
I have a 1992 b2200, and I bought it cheap. Guy i bought it from ran it hot. He told me motor was not seized, so today i threw a battery in it and it is definetly seized. I found a motor out of an 1989 b2200 on good ole craigslist. Anyways will the motor out of the 89' work in my 1992? I thought the motors changed in 90' but not sure. Or will it be well worth swapping a 2.2 Perkins Diesel out of an older Mazda or Isuzu Pup? My truck is super clean and just want a cruiser if that helps so crazy power isn't exactly what im looking for.
Post was last edited on Nov 30, 2016 02:11. This post has been edited 1 times.
sincitylocal   +1y
They're the same between years. The only difference might be efi vs. carbureted. If that's the case, you just swap over the intake and whatnot. But the core of the engine is the same.
Bigblockb2200   +1y
Ok, thanks Sincity. But...... I would like to know if ANYONE has done the Perkins swap just because I think it would be freakin awesome to have a Mazda diesel because all of my vehicles are diesel including my Hummer, so a diesel Mazda would be like the icing on the cake.
mazdatweaker_2   +1y
Before you go off on a diesal engine conversion maybe you could pull your spark plugs and pour some Marvel Mystery oil into the spark plug holes and let the engine sit for a week, then use a wrench on the big crankshaft bolt to attempt to see if the motor will free up. If your '92 is carbureted you are going to have to convert the fuel delivery system to injected with a diesal conversion. I also think you are going to have problems finding a transmission to work, as I don't think the '86-'93 units will match up. I went up on the Perkins web site and the 2.2 motor only puts out 60 which is 26 less than the 2.2 you have if you are carbureted. My .02 is that you replace the short block if you have to and save your money and minimize your losses.
Bigblockb2200   +1y
Ok, appreciate your comment I will look for the Marvel Mystery.
mazdatweaker_2   +1y
It occurred to me to add that the motor might be hydrolocked. If it blew a head gasket and enouogh water filled a cylinder it might prevent the motor from turning, so taking out the sparkplugs and seeing if the motor will then crank over might help your project.
Bigblockb2200   +1y
It was not the head gasket previous owner had coolant line near the head not attached so they must of thought the head gasket was blown but it was just a hose. But the motor is definitely locked I might rebuild or get a motor I found on Craigslist for $800. I really want a diesel maybe I can build the Perkins somehow to withstand a turbo or something.
Bigblockb2200   +1y
I have not tried the marvel mystery oil. Should I really consider using it? @mazdatweater_2
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