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Dually Engine \  98 454 vortec rough idle

98 454 vortec rough idle

Dually Engine Dually Tech
views 6416
replies 17
following 10
fuelrags   +1y
Hey guys, I bought my dually with 66,000 miles on it and I have been noticeing that it has a rough Idle. But other than that, It runs great! Any suggestions?
low95xlt   +1y
check plugs wires, fuel filter, might need to have fuel injectors cleaned
lockone   +1y
Would check the injectors and maybe pour some injector cleaner in it.
jcampbell1180   +1y
Damn Dude. You don't mess around, do you.

And just so you know, we're kinda like a bunch of brothers around here. What I'm getting at is: you will probably only get three or four responses to the actual question. At that point, the rest of the post will be whored and filled with nonsense and crap-talk, but it's all in good fun.

It can be a little frustrating at first, but you'll get over it.
tattman   +1y
go down to your local auto parts store and borrow there computer reader, its a little rectangle gadget that plugs in under your dash just left of the steering wheel. Mine was idling rough and told me the pickup coil on distributer was bad. It was also dieing on me. I just replaced whole dist. Tattman
maz89   +1y
^OBD 2
liljlowrider   +1y
was your check engine light on tattman because i thought it only sent a code if the check engine light came on??????

mine did the same thing fuel and l changed the plugs , wired, fuel filter, and ran some injector cleaner through it all at the same time and it fixed it , but couldnt tell you which one of those things did the trick
tattman   +1y

Yea, my engine light was on. although this guy hasent stated if his was or not. thank god for those readers though, they save ya lots of money rather than just replacing parts
tattman   +1y

lol, whats that mean?
leftcoast66   +1y

That's the name of the computer system. From what I know...