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Dually Engine \  HELP!!!, I HAVE AN A/C PROBLEM!!!


Dually Engine Dually Tech
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replies 6
following 5
fuelrags   +1y
Well it's 105 degrees in L.A. this 4th of July weekend and my A/C stopped blowing cold...I plugged in an A/C gauge and it went up in to the RED area on the do I need a jar of vaseline or what guys....
liljlowrider   +1y
im not a a/c tech by anymeans but b4 i go off and buy vaseline i would just get you some freon first and try that!!!
pig rig   +1y
I'm not an A/C guy ether but I would put some freon in it
if your running R-12 still you need to change it and cross out any thing on your A/C pump, condenser or any were that its printed so if you have to go to an A/C guy it makes it a lot harder for him to charge for that change
also look for oil build up at all hose conections and around your pump thats a good indecation that a seal is out O rings are cheep the pump is the one that you'll shit your self on
if you don't have it go to wally world and get the A/C kit to fill and check it with and put 132a in it
that last line was a wast of time because if you live in socal of course you have the A/C kit along with a pool cleaning set up what the hell amI thinking

Once you start to play with the A/C its pretty easy to understand
billy t.   +1y
So one day it worked and the next day it didn't?

Three things could be happening:

One, you had a rock fly up and hit your condensor and put a hole in it, buy buy 134, you need a new condensor or it could possibly be welded up..

Two, you have had a slow leak for sometime and the pressure just got low enough to trip the low pressure cut off.

The third, and what I am thinking is the most likely... You said that the gauge went into the red. Assuming that was on the low side(pegging it at 120 or so psi), and your compressor isn't pumping, but by that kind of pressure, it seems like you have a full system still. Most likely something electrical. Check the fuses first, then go from there. Hopefully you didn't lose the compressor and it is just something simple.

Your truck has R-134A. They stopped using R-12 in the early 90s.

I do commercial refrigeration for a living, and have a decent knowledge of auto systems, so any questions you have, feel free to shoot them my way.
jcampbell1180   +1y

Sorry, I tried, but I couldn't help myself.
billy t.   +1y
Got any soup?
jcampbell1180   +1y
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