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Dually Engine \  ok i need help......

ok i need help......

Dually Engine Dually Tech
views 1250
replies 6
following 2
ec_dually   +1y
ok guys i am at my whits end.. let me paint the picture for you...
teh wifes ride is a 95 chevy blazer with 4.3 vortech engine.. for a while it has been running like crap and sputtering really bad and running rich.. and when your driving it is real hesitant, and you can step on the gas hard and it will blow a big ass plume of black smoke, well here recently it has gotten worse on the hesitation and sputtering, well when me and my father in law changed the oil, cause i got a low oil presure reading the pan was so full of gas and oil that it took to 5 quart pans to get it all out of the truck.. not to long ago i took it to a shop to hook it up to a computer and he said he could not get a accurate reading but he was 90%sure it was something under the plenum that controls the amount of fuel to the motor, cause he listened to the way it was running and said that it is dumping mass amount of fuel to the cylinders and cant burn it all off, my question is what is it called and about how much is it to replace nd is it a easy fix... money is super tight right now
ec_dually   +1y
i dont think it is the injectors, but something along the lines of a fuel management relay or something
ec_dually   +1y
does the fuel pressure regulator sound about right, located under the plenum
skeletoncrew   +1y
It sounds like you are on the right track. If you haven't found this info yet, there is some good info here:

ec_dually   +1y
that sounds exactly what my problem is, and i did some more research on this and this would also be the cause of the excess fuel being dumped in the oil pan, since it was over filling the injectors,...
thanks abunch for the link, i saved it in my favorites, now just goota find 50 bucks to get another reg for it , looks to be a pretty simple instal;l.. just time comsuming moving the stuff outta the way ..
ec_dually   +1y
hey crew, thanks a ton, i replaced the fuel pressure regulator, and OMG the blazer came to life, it is puring like a kitten now, changed the plugs also and oil and filter, the pass side plugs were all but foulded out and when we took the plenum off the inside reaked of fuel and there was fuel just sittiing in there adn you could see where it was just leaking out of the regulator.. swapped it out, changed plugs new oil, fired it up and it just purrrrrrred, the exhaust didnt smell like gas anymore and no black smoke, then it started to puff a lil out when we reved it up, but considering how long it has been running like this there was and is a lot of carbon build up in the exhaust took it out on the road and it has its horsepower back, and when under under heavy throttle, it was clering out the exhaustand when you let off it just ran so good... and no codes thrown up now on the ecm, overall cosrt me 85 bucks to replaced all parts plus oil.. but saved me and 3 c notes at the repair shop...
thanks for the insight.
skeletoncrew   +1y
Glad the info helped! I always try to assist whenever I can!

Happy New Year!
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