whatever you'd like to do is fine. the reason most people don't like just 2 valves is because with only 2, both bags have to be tee'd together, which in cornering allows the air to be displaced from side to side, but it's normally only most noticable in the front. but with each bag having it's own set of valves, it restricts that displacement of air. on both my trucks i ran 6 valves, 2 in the back, and 4 up front. but you can still wire the front to pick up on only on one switch. i kept mine independant up front just incase i had alot of people in the truck, or towing, etc. and wanted alittle more control on the weight distribution, but it is single in the rear......... so the single will work fine for ya. if anything you can start out with 2 and if you don't like it you can easily add 2 more.....