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Dually Suspension \  shA.I.M. spindles...

shA.I.M. spindles...

Dually Suspension Dually Tech
views 1334
replies 8
following 8
jcampbell1180   +1y
Anybody had any experience with shA.I.M. spindles for a C-30?

Yeah, yeah, I know, A.I.M. blows, sucks, etc. I think I heard it from Lock that they were made at the same place Belltech's spindles are made. So are they basically the same spindle?

From what I can tell, it seems like nobody really has a prolblem with their spindles, it's the other junk that gets all screwy. I guess Ernie from No Regrets gets all his Mitsu spindles from A.I.M. and has never had a prolblem.

Please enlighten me. As a former ass-rape victim of shA.I.M., I'm a little leery, but if the price is right...

I don't need any wise-ass responses either. We all know A.I.M. sucks, all I'm looking for is people with FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE on C-30 SPINDLES ONLY!!!
bdydrped   +1y
if they send you the right set or atleast matching ones youll be doing fine. kinda hard for anyone to fuck up something as simple as a cast spindel.

*hanging my head* i actually have a set of chassis tech(aim subsidary) spindles on mine.... althought i had to buy new calipers to make them work right LMAO.
dragnasty   +1y
Thats what I have on DragNasty and TowNasty
lockone   +1y
I have never had a problem out of their spindles, but like Bdydrped said if you get the right ones.
onefasthoagie   +1y

though beltech did also send me 2 mismatched spindels! one for an 88 and one for an 89...
pig rig   +1y
WOW four thats right four answers with out a smart ass reply

good enough lets jack this mofo
tofnlows10   +1y
they sell them at summit racing...and will match any price....

just a suggestion if u dont wanna buy from AIM..
baggeddogs   +1y
how much do they want fo the AIM ones? I have seen a spindle from them snap in half before and I will never buy anything from them, to me its worth $50 more for something you dont have to worry about!
jcampbell1180   +1y
^^^ ^^^
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