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Dually Suspension \  had some strongarms adapted for use with one ton spindles

had some strongarms adapted for use with one ton spindles

Dually Suspension Dually Tech
views 2296
replies 17
following 12
watahyahknow   +1y
i ordered a crossmember at porterbuild streetrods a while back and asked him if he could get his hands on a set of one ton suspensionarms .
since he's a real good welder and the crossmember is build for use with a set of strongarms he offered to build me a set out of those .

he made some pics too :
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the original strongarms for a half ton C10
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weldingjig (he can make them to order if you want to pay for them )
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the bottom one ton baljoint compared to the original half ton and the bushes he had made to make everything fit
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that voids the waranty for sure
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fitting the new piece
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and the finisched product

the top ones dont need modifying to fit the balljoints all welding has been done to the bottom one .
the crossmember is welded the same way and i have to say it looks like a piece of art , this guy is an ace welder

he told me he's planning on building his own arms so that might be good news for people searching for one ton suspensionarms
diabolic kustoms   +1y
looks good, might have to give him a call.
jcampbell1180   +1y
That Porterbuilt Kat is al-right.

I still think the dropmember is pretty dang pricey for what it is. Doesn't he want like 1700 for one? Bare? You can get a MII for close to that with arms and everything from Fatman.

People are eating up Porter's stuff like hotcakes. More power to him. I hear he's a really cool guy.

You go Porter. I ain't mad at 'cha.

I'm a cheap-ass bastard, but I ain't mad at 'cha.
low95xlt   +1y
wow tell him he does godo work
porterbuilt   +1y

It may seem pricey to some, but it definitely isn't $1700!!!!! It's just an expensive and time-consuming piece to make. I guarantee there is not another "production crossmember" out there that compares to the quality. I weld every single one personally... over 130 so far.

Thanks Whatayaknow for the business... should be the baddest C-10 in Europe!
nuklheadtattoo   +1y
Porterbuilt...You do some nice work. Could u PM me some priceing for what I would need to layout a 89 Burban?

Thanks, Tone
lophat   +1y
Looks good dude.
diabolic kustoms   +1y
Hey hows it going? Good to see you here. I've contacted you in the past about the dropmember. So what are the chances of you making one for 1 tons? W/arms. But I will need the a-arms a little narrower due to running semi's.
huskerdually   +1y

That suspension isn't worth a crap for anything but a street rod.
jcampbell1180   +1y

I say things like that 'cause I'm poor. You're doing something right at 130 units thus far.

Sweet work, Dude.