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Dually Suspension \  ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT!


Dually Suspension Dually Tech
views 1287
replies 11
following 6
low1ton   +1y
Odd thing happened on Sunday, I went out to move my truck and the tanks did not have enough air to lift the truck so I turned on my compressors(2- viair 480s brand new) they ran until my tank pressure was about 160psi and the made a horrible noise almost like they both locked up and quite working. I could understand if one locked up but not both so I dont think it is the compressors. Any advice? I am going to hook a battery to both compressors directly and see if it is the compressors but after that I am in the dark. I dont have any pressure switches to big of a pain in the arse I just watch my tank pressure guage and turn on the compressors when I need air in the tanks just fyi.
jeffrodamis   +1y
do they share a ground and maybe it came loose? still have check valves? how much nitrogen do ya have?lol
raymondsage   +1y
sounds like a fuse or your relay went bad. The more presure the tank build up the harder the compressors have to work so requires more battery juice but if the fuse can't handle the load it will pop. Check the switch if you don't have a relay or silonoid
low1ton   +1y
If the fuse or relay went bad wouldnt it shut off the compressors completly? I can still switch on the compressors and they will try to run but they sound terrible and sound like they are running very slow almost like you can count the up and down stroke of the piston.
raymondsage   +1y
Disconnect one at a time and see.... maybe one is locked up and causing a bad power drain from the other one
low1ton   +1y
Thanks I will give it a try.
low1ton   +1y
Got home from work and disconnected both compressors and hooke them directly to a 12volt battery, one worked perfectly the other sound it like it was going to blow up, so theres my problem. I will get it replaced and be back functional soon.
liljlowrider   +1y
glad i could help because thats what i was gunna tell you to do
low95xlt   +1y
^^^ hahaha glad to see we helped ya out now the service charge is........... we al lget to drive your dually
raymondsage   +1y
glad to here it wasn't that major. Might wanna run the compressors with seprate power sources so it won't cause the same problem again.