Ill get you those pics soon Bagged been wide ass open here last week....did pick up my newest project first real truck i ever had was a 2003 GMC sierra i got my senior year in high school...bought it brand new and spent the next several years building it into a badass show truck...around 2008ish i was rear ended on way home from a show ruined my 2 month old green paint job, took the insurance check bought a set of new 26s...chopped it to lay on 6s....which there was very few of back then....anyway never finished it and traded it off....ive have about 10 more 99-06 body style trucks since then but i finally got one im gonna keep....picked this up to build for my wife shes been wanting a show truck for several years finally gonna build it for her....gonna be bagged on some Boyd billet 22s i picked up, 2 tone pink and white like my old s10....she loved colors on it so was an easy decision...painted dash, couple 12s, cam, stall, blah blah all that good stuff....just thought id share it with wife is finally excited about the whole truck thing...this truck is 03 model with 67k original miles....loaded with everything...06 front clip, tahoe 20s, dropped 5/8 now

My first truck...built it with my own 2 hands at a young age...lot of learning experiences with that one
After i painted it green
And on the 6s
And my old will be paint same pink and white but def not the same flame divider....never like the flames on it....great truck though....last time i seen it few weeks ago it was bout ready for the junk yard