depending on what your towing, bag over the axle is the heighest load rating. and at the same time the smallest amount of lift (depending on bag size) and the harshest ride (again depending on bag size)
my dually is big, (its a dually right>) i put big 1 3/4 4 link bars, big 5/8 bolts just purposely making everything big. so with that i used cement truck triple pusher bags. i get about 18 inches of lift. full hieght at 45psi, and about 8 inches of lift at 20psi.
and the rear is soft also, but this is a direct result to having a huge bag.
you cna put the bags on the four link bars, which is awesome, but you have to think your entire truck and toungue weight of the trailer is no located/pinpointed to your 4-link bar, so it must be strong..