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Dually Projects \  trying to get something done

trying to get something done

Dually Projects
views 20936
replies 107
following 24
liljlowrider   +1y
not much but its a start.. trying to find the time to finally get the dam truck painted...

thread post photo
huskerdually   +1y
Uhhhh, pretty.
low95xlt   +1y
looking good baby steps son baby steps lil at a time.. like they say slow and steady wins the race HAHAHA
maz89   +1y
yea right... slack ass... looks good bro
huskerdually   +1y
Isn't it amazing how hard it is to find time to work on our trucks. I've only worked on mine about 2hrs over the last 3 months. Busy w/kid stuff.
jcampbell1180   +1y

lockone   +1y
Green for the money and gold for the honeys.
huskerdually   +1y

I think he works for the core of engineers and it is a company truck used to inspect dams.
jcampbell1180   +1y
guilty by design   +1y

Yea thats all fine and dandy till your halfway through it and want to change the design/color entirely.