Need some input for you guy, I was going to make this a short bed but my frame design and four link at clashing I know I can do the geometry and make it work but then I had an idea, I'm a tall guy and hate the back seat space lol I'm thinking of copying dodge and making it a mega cab I'd cut just in front of the back seat mounts and along the rocker so the back body mount would be untouched and add the 4" to make it look good than build a new jam or cut one out of a cab that would give me the space needed to correct my four link and it would be sick as f~ but the thing that's holding me back is what to do about the interior seat belt wouldn't move but I can't use the factory plastic I'm a stock kind of guy I want it to look like you could buy it from factory I could take two and graft them them make a mold and paint them to match but that would cost me a $1000 in mold silicone tell me what you think is it worth it? Or do I make a wood panel and have all the interior upholstered?