I have been browsing trough this site for a month now. Lot of good information. I recently purchased my first truck. A 1989 mazda b2200 for $1200. It has 237000 miles and runs like a champ. i installed a sub box and amp, new cd player, tach and i dropped it. I used 3" drop block and removed 2 leaves. DAMN does it sit low. I also got a real good deal on a set of escalde wheels. I tinted a 98 accord for it. So really it only cost me and hours in labor, and $40. And i had a new set of tires for my SAAB, so i took the old ones and put them on the truck. I love it. I have been wanting a minitruck for so long. I want to bag it a body drop it, but money is a little tight at the moment. there isnt really many mini trucks in this area. So almost wherever i go i get weird looks and stares. People say it looks mexican. i like it and dont care what the hell they say.
my other car 2000 saab 9-5 aero 2.3 turbo
my old e36 bmw and my saab