The farm I'm staying at just bought a 93 B2600i 4x4, SE-5. The idea was to get something cheap and reliable with a cargo bed, bad/off-road ability, and reasonable fuel consumption, and this is what we got. Seems to fit the bill pretty well, we like it!
The car I drove out to Montana is a BMW project that I built in California. Its winter road performance is frankly abysmal, even with an LSD and track experience. I'm not that familiar with pickups, had an 86 2wd Yota before, and this is my first 4x4; I don't know how it stacks up against built rigs, but I was really impressed by its performance on light snow, light ice, and a snowy field - just point and shoot and it goes, grips on near anything. Puts a big smile on my face. It came with new Geolandar AT/S tires, and probably an LSD (to be confirmed). Would that be typical for an SE-5?
Also came with a cracked windshield, dented bed, and a host of other mostly insignificant-seeming issues.
I'm putting it on jackstands tomorrow and planning on doing a round of poking around and inspecting, possibly replacing things: fuel filter, diff oil, gearbox oil, cap, rotor, plugs, injectors, brake circuit, and the hackjob stereo system that whines. Anything else worth inspecting? I did look at it before buying, just not in great detail.
Oh, and the seats are terrible: uncomfortable and too low. Do RX-7 or other seats fit?