I have had this truck for the past 6 or 7 years and bought if off a guy who kept it in a barn and told me that he had done everything necessary to store it correctly. I drove it for a couple years on and off as it spent more time in the garage getting fixed that it seemed to spend on the road. About 4 years ago I had a hose pop and I seized the engine. After leaving it in a barn and watching it slowly deteriorate I have finally paid off enough of my student loans and CC debt from college and am on a mission to get it back on the road.
I have not had a chance yet to pull it apart, but am contacting shops to figure out where who I want to do the work it needs. Unfortunately I don't have a decent enough garage to do much work myself. I intend to rebuild the frame if it isnt too bad, or track one down to replace it. I am also trying to hunt down a diesel engine that will fit in it. If any of you guys have any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. If I can't find a diesel that will fit in it, I am planning to drop/squeeze something else into it, but don't plan on rebuilding the engine that is in it due to the difficulty I've had in trying to find parts. I will try to get a picture posted of my truck soon.
Thanks for any suggestions y'all have.