So when the seller had this posted on craigslist he only had like 4 pictures, and I had to have my wife go test drive it and check it out so I'm finding things out about it slowly haha. First on my list of things to do is replace the drivers seat, I already ordered a passenger side mirror, and I need to get that rear passenger side dent out. Also the deck in it right now doesn't work, it turns on, just doesn't work.. so I'm going to replace that along with 4 Image dynamics 4 inch speakers and a 4 channel amp. No need for sub, those speakers have plenty of mid base, and I want to keep the ext cab usable. I'm also going to tint the windows, convert to HID's, pull up the plastic bed liner and do a spray in, and I'm also going to spray some of my under carriage to protect it.
Long term will be engine swap, I'm thinking F2T.