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General Discussion \  Bagged b2200 need help

Bagged b2200 need help

General Discussion
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himynameischance   +1y
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum (obviously) and new to the B-series scene. I've done my fair share of research on mini trucks and air ride and finally bought my first one. It was on the cover of Mini Truckin in 2001 and has done more sitting under a cover then it has got drove. 98xxx miles. When I picked it up it ran great and drove great as well. I drove it an hour and 45 minutes home only to try to fire it up to pull it in the garage and it wouldn't start. I knew it needed a new starter so I banged on the starter and finally got it to crank over enough to fire. But then it didn't want to go in gear. I finally got it in gear and it started creeping forward with the clutch pedal to the floor. So I tapped the brakes and it killed it. I had to leave town right after that but I'm worried it is something major. I'm hoping its just a clutch and starter, not the rear main or slave or anything else. Could anyone give me some assistance? Thanks guys. Pics soon to come
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h2omelon(nick)   +1y
Change the slave cylinder for the clutch. Easy fix. Could possibly need a master cylinder as well both are cheap easy fixes. Good luck and welcome to the scene.
spacemonkee23   +1y
Change both slave cyl. and master cyl. for the clutch at the same time. B's are notorious for both the said parts failing. Don't freak if it happens again, I went through 2 slaves and 3 masters before the prob was completely fixed. You may get lucky first try though... Bench bleed the master before you install it.
himynameischance   +1y
Thanks guys. So is it safe to say the clutch might still be good? I'd really like to get it going so I can drive it more before snow flies. I was also wondering if anyone has ever done a gauge swap or knew of someone that made a new set of gauges or a face plate for these trucks?
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spacemonkee23   +1y

Yes, the clutch is most likely still good. And you might as well change out the starter while you are at it.

As far as the gauge swap my base model B2200 had no tach, I swapped it with a B2600i gauge cluster and it looks like yours might have had the same thing done to it (very common). Having said that I wound the miles down on mine to match the correct milage (its possible that the person who swapped yours may have left it or wound it too far?) not saying your B isn't correct in having under 100,000 miles on it or questioning the credibility of the seller, but just be weary of the possibility. There is no way to tell if that was the dash your B came with (at least I don't know of one), and judging from the 2600i bubble hood it's possible that the person made a wrecking yard run and came up on a 2600i doner car.*I know I did

Custom gauges I haven't done with my B but I'm sure its not too difficult, there is probably a thread for it some where on here.

That B looks sick though and very clean. Seems like a good buy, welcome to the scene! MORE PICS PLEASE!
himynameischance   +1y
Thanks space monk! And I do believe it is original, because the story goes as this;
Someone had too much money and bought the truck and had a shop do the work in California (it used to be the hack shack), it was a trailer queen for quite some time and on the cover of mini truckin in 01. It then sat under a cover for a while, it wa parked beside an rv and the cover ripped and the reflection off the rv ruined the body work on the drivers side handle. Then he backed into it with the hitch of his truck and the guy I bought it from replaced the doors, hood, and the drivers side fender. I could tell you even more about the truck that I was told, but this is getting lengthy haha and pictures should be up tonight. I'm on my phone and its a pain in the ass.
spacemonkee23   +1y
You've got an awesome B on your hands. Should bring you years of looks and jaw drops. I for one am not a fan of shaved door handles but to each his own, right (for a custom bag and body it's fine though). I also lifted my B unlike most. Mainly because I had my 88 fc rx7 lowered at the time (hydroplaned it into a pole a few years back , and my B was my daily, still is actually. 10 years I've had her. I seem to fix it every time I break the shit out of her. Good luck with everything and get ready to fall in love with your B.
himynameischance   +1y

I like shaved door handles but I'm debating on if it will be something I will get over lol I've already fell in love! I've got plenty of ideas for it, most of them I'm going to disclose until I drop the bomb with pictures but over the next few years I would like it to be bodied, four linked, and laying rocker on 20's.
thanks for the positive vibes! Be ready to see her around the forum. Haha
spacemonkee23   +1y
I'll keep an eye out for your build thread, BTW, Did a quick google search for your truck, looks like June 2001 issue Win Place & Show. The rims match. Looks like your truck to me. Did you get a copy of the mag? would be nice to have and keep. That way you can compare it when you are on the cover again with the same truck, your style! Good luck with everything.
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himynameischance   +1y
Build thread will be started when I get some time off work, and some time to get on the computer. The copy the owner had wasn't in too good Of shape and I found one online that I will probably order tonight! Thanks man!