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General Discussion \  New from Washington

New from Washington

General Discussion
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replies 15
following 9
camerony91   +1y
hello, I'm new to the scene just picked up a '90 b2200, runs like a champ other than the rough idle while the engine is cold. Not really looking to do a lot of alteration just some restoration work. I hope that's okay lol.

Whats the best place for replacement parts for these guys? are they easy to find at junk yards, or am i better going thru an online dealer?
post photo
baha   +1y
Welcome, everyone is welcome, this site is for people interested in restoring/maintaining too.

If you need parts, there are a few guys here parting out their vehicles, it just depends on what you are looking for. Junkyards are good too but I believe the cash for clunkers program caused a lot of b series to be recycled.
91extcab   +1y
Try pull a part in Arlington or lynwood if you are near either of those areas. Some times nw recyclers in lake stevens has b series trucks as well. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Cusser   +1y
Make sure your choke wire is connected, and also connected to the rear of the alternator.
roflwaffle   +1y
I've seen most of the B's around WA.. is your friend.
NW recyclers is much cheaper than pick n pull, the one in lake stevens has 3-4 later B's.. if you find a listing, and have something specific, maybe i can remember if they're intact.

some nice factory bed liners at NW recyclers if thats your thing..
91extcab   +1y

Another lake Stevens guy?
87forever   +1y
" target="_blank on the general forum as a sticky.Both sites share info and members.Welcome to the mazda truck world.
orangemazdab2000   +1y
Man! I love NW recyclers! I used to go up to the Canadian wrecking yards since it's so close to me (Lynden), but now it's worth it to travel the couple hours to get to NW! Best prices!

I thought that was my "secret spot"! Dont let everyone know!

roflwaffle   +1y

Naw, Seattle, but it's worth the drive

Definitely worth the trip if you're close.
91extcab   +1y
I'm a former lake Stevens resident myself... Now a north carolina transplant