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General Discussion \  new from the northwest! my frankinstien 84

new from the northwest! my frankinstien 84

General Discussion
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replies 4
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jeremiah86   +1y
I'm sure there's a thread for this somewhere but I'm in need of some help with my carb. I've been having problems with it smoking (blue) once I sit at a stop light and then take off, and it will idle fine at like 700 cold start but as soon as you get going it revs up to 3000 in between shifts if you just hold the clutch and then will slowly idle down and won't idle below 1000? oh and I have a 84 carb sitting on what I belive to be a 79 or 80 courier intake because the donor motors carb wouldnt link up to the pedal... it's hard to find any good help so I figured why not join the club!? Thanks in advance!!
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dan woodland   +1y

I can't tell from the pic but that interior looks pretty good!
geterdun   +1y
Blue smoke, sounds like valve seals. Does it smoke when you start it after sitting overnight, or for several hours and cools down? Valve seals. When out on the highway and it is warmed up, Drop a gear and left off, letting it slow down 15-20 m.p.h, when you accelerate after that, does it put out a puff of smoke? Valve seals.
Check the compression, if it is good, replace valve seals (this can be carefully done with head still on truck, but complicated) or pull head do valve job replace seals. Of course this can cause iffy rings to show up, so have to decide what plans are for the truck, gonna upgrade engine at some point? May just keep driving it then, checking oil regularly, enjoy it running, save and plan the engine upgrade, gather the stuff and proceed?
Something to consider, good luck, whatever your choice.
Hope this helped.
jeremiah86   +1y
Thanks Dan the interior is the best part of my truck! Ten years of junk yard finds to make it almost perfect!

Geterdun; that's pretty much exactly when it smokes sometimes just sitting at a light to long it will smoke when I take off then dissappear, I'll have to look for a tutorial on how to get into that, my truck sat for a few years and I was hoping it might smooth itself out after being driven again? Put 30 miles on it yesterday and it seemed to be getting a little better?
geterdun   +1y
Have you changed the oil and filter since it sat?
May add an engine cleaner to the oil (follow directions of course) before the next change to hopefully free up rings, soften the probably useless valve seals (between miles, years, and heating and coolings since new).
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