Lastnight a bunch of friends came over...........i also figured out why the fuck my truck wouldnt idle(i forgot there was an engine fuse in the cab and never checked it) So to top off the good night, i went dragging............got it all on tape(didnt drag much since my running/interior lights didnt seem to want to work(probably bc i was too lazy to go to the garage and get a fuse) anyway
The thing that topped the night off.......my friend was sitting in my bed(the whole 4" of it i have left of the bedfloor) and i drug it down the road, and turned down the street i live on and waited for my other friends to catch up. I stop it, he's still sitting in the bed, i pop my door open and this lady in a ford pulls up and asks if we are all right. I didnt hear her but after my friend told me i busted out laughing!!
I'll put the vid up on here after i get it on the computer