I finally got my truck home. It was quite an adventure getting this little beast.
It's an 89 b2200 reg cab short box with a body drop and i think it's got blocks in the rear (unless they came stock?)
it comes in pieces basically... now i cant complain because i didn't pay ANYTHING for the truck, so it's basically a project for me to work on...
The adventure so far was the trying to get it home... The dolly i got was a little rickety, but it worked ok...
The front brakes on the truck were seized on (i think if we'd taken the time to bleed the pressure off the brakes they would have let go) but we didn't, so we ended up jacking the truck up and putting blocks under the frame, then backing the dolly under the truck...
when we were about to leave we realized the box wasn't actually attached to the frame and so we had to leave it there as we had run out of tie downs by this point (i'm picking it up next weekend, along with the dash, hood, and some other smaller pieces)
the frame is going to be an adventure in itself as its got a fair bit of surface rust thats going to need to be either blasted off it, or wire brushed... not sure which option to go with... i might sandblast it because i think i'm goignt to box the frame anyways, as i'm going to hopefully be installing my 5.0L in the truck later on in it's life. (if i discover too much rust i WILL just build a new frame. the bodys great and i have the connections)
i had to lift it off the dolly with straps, chains and a tractor and due to the front brakes being stuck on, and then we pulled the dolly out from under the truck...
but it's HOME (no thanks to uhaul, the stupid pricks) and i'm very happy to have it finally. I can at least look at it when i want to now.
I'll try and get some pics up later this week as i'm busy with Major school projects and assigments.