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General Discussion \  DAMNITT!


General Discussion
views 1320
replies 8
following 7
projekt94 (david)   +1y
ok i want everyone to tell me what they think of this. to me its fucked up! ok spring break jam was this weekend and i had put my truck in my friends shop. since im a member of the team i was guaranteed to go to the show. so i helped us get a drag session with crime pays video to be feature in the new video. my truck was there for 2wks all i wanted was for them to put my screens and system in, thats all. but did i get it? ill tell you in a bit. so the rules as a member are:

1. you dont have to pay for labor
2. if a customer comes in while working your ride it has to be set aside to do theirs
3. you do have to pay 10% on merchandise so the shop can make money(still get a discount)

all thats fine but we close shop 1wk before a show to do members rides. ok so heres the situation, everything wasgoing smooth til tuesday. thats when my friends friend said hell be dropping off his car to be worked on. it was to be there tuesday night. work stopped on my truck. the car never got there, so wednesday afternoon it was supposessed to be there, still not there, no work on my truck. started working on my truck, when he came by and said his car wont be going, instead his other ride will go. that was friday night. i work during the day and have to come in at 3 in the morining i cant always be at the shop. so i get there friday night and nothing has been done!!!! the el camino had got there so no working on my truck. the camino nedded everything! so since this guy has money coming out his ass they jumped on his car! so i had to hurry to try andfinish my truck, didnt happen, shop closed!!!!!! pissed off i told them what the fuck was i paying you for when the truck didnt get doneand told them i wanted out of the club, which i really don't, was just pissed. neway the el camino didnt go nor did i. what you all think? is it just me or what?
mullet   +1y
Crappy situation and bad timing on them, and the other guy. However, you can't loose your temper or make idle threats when your getting hooked up. Yeah it will take longer.. thought u understood that. It sux they procrastinated and kept putting off ur truck, because they thouht a customer would be showing up, but it is a business establishment, and thats how they make their money. Not by hooking up club members.
roach25681   +1y
Whats the problem here? Im not seeing it. When you are getting stuff done like that you cant bitch unless they cause damage to something.
thetornado   +1y
the allmighty dollar always seems to make priority. but if they couldnt get the el camino done then they should have done urs so u could have at least gone.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
sux dude. i don't know why they didnt work on your truck until the camino showed up. bring it up to me man, i'll take care of it for ya. better make sure that bad boy is ready for the heatwave. ive got a couch for ya to crash on. later bro.
pancaked   +1y
listen man it sux but thats the way it is you need remember almost no one hits their deadline. and if someones doing your shit for free or close to it you gotta cut em some slack
projekt94 (david)   +1y
i know i should cut em some slack, but this aint the first time. im not trying to bitch or moan, but damn, ya know. but like the tornado said the almighty dollar always gets its way.
drpdmazda   +1y
see this argument in my opinion could go either way, i agree that regardless of if a company is hooking you up or not they should stick to there promise, like the guy that painted my girls car, dont get me wrong, he did an amazing and flawless job, but he promised us two weeks and it took damn near 6 months, i think a lot of people take advantage of the " friend " benefit when they give you a good deal, regardless they should still try to keep there promise, i know that the whole reason they are in business is to make money, but you cant lose friends in the process, so its a toucjy subject when it comes to " hook ups " from a friends shop, good luck with the turn out either way
mullet   +1y
They don't take advantage of it. They realize they aren't making any extra $$ on it so they procrastinate. If someone called u up and said they wanted you to change their oil and rotate their tires for free... go ahead and take ur time. And you got another guy who wants the same thing done but is willing to pay you 100 bux to do it... u get the paying customer out of the way first. Then along the way u relize that it did take some work involved, and aren't in a big rush to do the freebie job... and since they said take ur time.. u will do just that. I know its not cool, moral, or friendly... but its how things work, unfortunatly.
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