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General Discussion \  My neighbors need to stay out my BUSINESS.

My neighbors need to stay out my BUSINESS.

General Discussion
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bagged89mazda   +1y
WTF is the world coming to ppl being bitchy about a truck and a trailer being parked here. My truck (my daily) has been parked for 3 wks cause the p.o.s blew up in b-more ,md on me . So its been parked in the driveway after it was towed home . I have a load of scrap in the bed (not all over the yard) in my truck bed .. My trailer is empty .. I use both for my business . I haven't been able to do any work sense the truck blew up.. any ways the guy that runs the place where i live ( a mobile home park) said he's been getting complaints about my truck and trailer . wtf - its not like i have shit all over the place and my trailer is empty now . I Just don't get it ppl here think they're at the ritz carlton . well news flash stop acting like your shit don't stink and get with the program. I can't even have anything in the bed of my truck at all .. Had a washer once in there that i got in trouble for wtf . then the park manager said that my tags are still JERSEY true . But now that the p.o.s blew up why spend the money (to which i don't have ) to get it tagged in order to park here? im GONA have to find a way to get all the scrap into the trailer and tow it to storage . I bet if i get the mazda legal and start driving that to the house they'll bitch about that .. cause it will be sitting on the ground blah blah blah . They say something about it layin rocker on the ground i'll say i can't do anything about it - it will slowly loose air out the system over nite and be layin on the ground. They'll tell me i can't park that here either .I HATE rules
lukeinva   +1y
sounds like the people you live by are the same ones I live by!!!! I hate them Mutha Freakers!!! I could understand if it was thrown all over the yard but in your bed of the truck WTF???

At least some one came up and talked to you I just keep getting annoyomous letters taped to my door. People dont have anything else to do I guess except worry about other peoples business.
phatkix   +1y
some people need to mind their own shit
blare   +1y
My grandparents have lived in the same house for about 30 something years now bout 20 miles outside detroit. This was back when they were the farthest neighborhood from the city and everything after them was nothing but dirt roads and farmland. Within the last couple of years now people have been complaining about the two RVs that havent moved in a couple of years that are parked in the driveway. They also complain about how messy the garage is too, but it really is those. Its full of carparts and I mean full. But who gives a fuck its thier house and they have been there forever.
mark   +1y
yea man some ppl are just plain nosy

are they wanting you to ditch the truck or something? ppl can be douchebags
russ d   +1y
haha someone keeps complaining to the city about my truck. The first time was hilarious, it was sitting without a bed in the driveway. I had it covered with a nice car cover, it didnt even look very bad.

So I come out side and there is a city worker lifting up the cover. I ask if I can help and he says "I'm just ticketing your abandoned vehicle, you have 5 days to move it or we'll tow it". I tell him its not abandoned, the tag is off because its attached to the bed. He says the tag has to be current, there has to be insurance an the truck and the tag has to remain mounted on the vehicle, and that he doubts I can show him any of those. He goes back to writing out his violation.

So I go in, get the CURRENT tag, the CURRENT insurance, a screw gun and a drill tip screw. I plop the insurance on top of the clip board while he is still scribbling, intterupting him, walk around to the back of the truck and screw the plate to the rear frame right through the cover. "Anything else? Get off my property"

The next time he came out and said some obscure law about having the right to declare a vehicle abandoned if it hadnt moved in a certain amount of time, and my truck OBVIOUSLY couldnt move because it was sitting on the ground. The car cover was off by now. Once again he stayed there writing out the violation while I went inside, got the keys, started the truck, lifted it (he paused his writing then) backed out, drove around the block and parked it again. PSSSHHHH. Back on the ground. "Get off my property".

The new city inspector doesnt even mess with me. The first time he just told me "yeah there has been another complaint, I just made sure the tag was current, have a nice day!". Now he just drives by and waves from the street. He said it is likely the real estate agents that are doing it, it seems like I get bothered when a house goes up for sale. He said its common for the real estate agent to look over the neighborhood and call the city on any obvious violations to make the area more attractive.
mazdabon2nd   +1y
yea same stuff happends on my block i dont rele have a big drive way or garage so all my cars are registerd and all that good stuff but im only 16 and my nabiors give me problems with my mazda b i parked it in front of there house and they hit it with there car and knocked it out of gear it rolled down the block and hit my friends tahoe... it was 2000 dollars worth of damage better yet the guy who hit it is a crazy old man and tryed to shoot me with a shot gun and his insurence lost the pics they said... so i gave up with that insurence but nevertheless my mazda b is almost all back to gether i have to rebuild hte motor and its back running the streets .. i hate people who give problems for no reason i own 6 cars 1975 bmw 2002 ,1980 mercedes benz 300sd with turbo work nad exhaust rims tints,my my mazda b2000 lowerd with spindles and leafs and plan on kia swap and i have a 1977 trans am and 1951 chevy 3800 and i get soo much shit but all my cars are legal it sucks haveing nabiors with nothing to do but bother u when ur tring to work
mazdabon2nd   +1y
o yea also i got a report from the town saying that i run an underground chop shope 16 i go to school haah its kinda funyn that ppl would think that
limequat   +1y

You're my new hero. Except I was hoping you were gonna do something else with the screw gun.

People suck. The best you can do is move out to the country, plant a lot of trees around the periphery, and threaten those damn county workers 2 ft breaker bar (brandishing a *gun* is illegal, save that for the feds).
low87dawg   +1y
yea i used to have a 92 sedan deville before i drove and about once a month some one complain and call a cop out and try to write me a ticket for a broke down vehicle or some shit so i would move i like a foot once a month
o ye and a couple of moths ago my my bimmer was broke down and my parents never new it for like a month cause every day i would push it in a diff spot or park it backwards or somethin at night i told them iwas tired of drivin it most of the time
oh yea and i got my maz all torn apart right now in my garge in a neighborhood with $450,000 dollar houses and ferraries and shelby cobras and shit im gettin hell every day fuck da shit heads!!!